Erick Abney

2019-July Erick art2.JPG

Erick began painting as a teenager when his mother thought it would help him to express his feelings. Expressing himself had been difficult, and Erick was more inwardly focused. He took his first painting class at a community college, and then he and his mother visited Anthroposophical clinics and Camphill Communities in Europe where art is used to help express the inner being. He soon came to love painting and found his inner voice.

A couple of years ago Erick had the opportunity to show and sell some of his art at the People's First Conference in San Diego. It went over very well and that gave him a huge sense of accomplishment. Every year he paints holiday cards and gives them as gifts. His goal is to have more opportunities to show and sell his art. Doing art makes him feel happy. It makes him feel like he has a purpose.



Sample Art